Monday, August 4, 2008

democracy at what cost?

Nothing comes for free. May be at a later stage but a price has to be paid for everything. And to determine the price that one has to pay for his or her actions, the easiest way out is to believe that the price would be 'the actual cost'.
So if prime minister Manmohan Singh is fooling his way through the Nuclear deal on the basis of a confidence vote that he has managed to win by buying MPs, the price that he will have to pay will be recorded in history.
It's not just the Prime Minister who will pay the price. Since he represents the aspirations of over 100 crore people the country too will have to pay a price. Future generations also will have to pay a price.
Future generations will have to pay a price because their ancestors did not rise in revolt when a remote controlled Prime Minister mortgaged the country's soverignity.

The present generation is already paying a price. For the days when the polity degenrated. When everyone watched with glee as thugs and scoundrels took upon themselves to safeguard democracy.
Democracy in its present form in India is a sham. Present day rulers are manipulators and no better than dictators.

India is paying a price for staying indoors during elections.